As a part of our commitment to corporate responsibility, we actively assess and take responsibility for our company’s social and environmental effects. In various respects, environmental protection and safeguarding vulnerable communities go hand in hand. We strive to safeguard both by embracing an ideology that is in line with our commitment to practicing the best ethical, social and environmental conduct. We believe it is our duty to act in the best interest of the environment and the society as a whole; accordingly we aim to foster a positive relationship with our both the local community and the wider society by consistently employing fundamental principles of honesty, integrity and fostering an environment conducive towards respect for others, while ensuring that our daily operations (design, delivery, manufacturing and product lifecycle etc.) are carried out in ethical and responsible ways. We take into account the impact our operations have on people and the wider environment, and take active steps for better solutions.

We consult with our customers for sustainability goals, and operate in socially responsible ways. We use 100% recyclable paper for all office supplies, and for all packaging and printing marketing related materials. The cotton we use for upholstery and a large percentage of the wood we use comes from sustainable sources, while throughout our facilities, we make use of various energy saving appliances. We offer the option of choosing non-alcoholic, chlorine free polish to our clients. We encourage the use of high quality, synthetic alternatives to traditional wooden productions. We are currently working on installing solar panels in our factory for maximum energy conservation.

We support our local community through active engagement and are always striving towards fostering the best possible community relations. We encourage our employees to volunteer in local schools and community projects. We hold a monthly clean-up event and raise awareness regarding the dangers of pollution, and our responsibility as human beings to preserve and protect the environment.

We believe strongly in addressing issues regarding social and gender equality. In that vein, we make concerted efforts that support, educate and empower women, men and religious minorities equally. We actively hire, foster and empower a diverse workforce. We offer generous paid maternity and paternity leave to our staff. We prohibit the use of child labour, forced labour or bonded labour, while providing a safe and healthy environment for all our employees.

For more information regarding special publicity events, corporate responsibility programs and media related inquiries, please contact our marketing coordinator:

Syeda Rabia Mustafa:
Number: 00923458462001